When was a survey about the renewed play structure conducted?

    • Public engagement for the new play structure was conducted in the fall of 2023. 
    • It was available online on YourSay.com and promoted through social media channels during the run of the survey period (October to December 2023). 
    • A PSA distributed to media and on the RDCO website, posters and signs in the park and at RDCO offices invited park users to complete the survey.
    • Media coverage promoted and encouraged public participation in the survey.

    How many respondents completed the survey?

    We received 228 responses to the survey.

    What elements did users indicate should be included in the design?

    • Poured-in place rubber surfacing (174/228 indicated this was their preference)
    • Slides
    • Benches
    • Monkey bars
    • Interactive play panels

    Why is the play structure being replaced?

    The play structure was scheduled to be replaced due to the wood playground structure’s age, condition and ability to continue to meet safety requirements. Existing play features adjacent to the playground will remain including benches, swings and the web-climber.

    What is the total cost to replace the play structure?

    The estimated project cost for the playground is approximately $320,000 and is part of the RDCO capital projects budget for maintaining and enhancing regional parks throughout the Central Okanagan. 

    What are the playground elements that changed in the final design?

    The following elements were added based on survey results and additional feedback:

    • Poured in-place rubber surface replaced engineered wood chips to improve access for children of all abilities
    • A range of safe play elements for children ages two to 12
    • Sensory play along with spinning, climbing and interpretive panels will bring children of all ages and abilities into the space. Two areas for children two to five and five to 12, provide developmentally appropriate areas and play opportunities.

    How long will the playground be closed?

    The playground will be closed during construction for approximately four weeks to allow for demolition and replacement.

    How did you choose the contractor?

    This contract resulted from a public request for proposal (RFP) process, conducted in line with RDCO's trade agreement requirements and Purchasing Policy. While the manufacturer of the playground equipment components is Burke, the RDCO's contract is with PlayQuest Recreation.  PlayQuest is a Canadian-based company in Edmonton, AB, and is the Canadian representative of Burke.  The contract with PlayQuest is for the playground Design-Build.

    Is there shade incorporated into the design?

    Aside from natural shade that is cast by nearby trees in the morning, there are some shade features that are designed to cast shadows for interest over the play area. A roof above one of the largest play structures will also provide some shade.